SOCCER (Girls and Boys)

K-8th Grade Soccer Registration Deadline:

Friday, August 2, 2024

Team Drop Deadline:   
K-8th Grade: Monday, August 19, 2024

Coaches Meetings:

4th-8th Grade Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 6:30pm (Virtual) 

K-3rd Grade Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 6:30pm (Virtual)

Roster Due: 

4th-8th Grade: Monday, September 9, 2024 

K-3rd Grade:  Monday, September 16, 2024 

League Games:
September: 7 (4th-8th only), 8 (4th-8th only), 14, 15, 21, 28

October: 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20 (K-4th only), 26 (K-4th only) 

       Tournament Games: October 20 - 26


Grades 7th and 8th
Grades 4th, 5th, and 6th (Modified Soccer)
Grade 2nd and 3rd (Mini Soccer)
Grades K and 1st (Coed Micro Soccer)

Team Fees:
Kindergarten & 1st Grade $300
2nd & 3rd Grades $350
4th & 5th Grades $650
6th-8th Grades $700


Coach Insider Resource Videos & Articles - Click Here

• Practices -
      • 60 Minute Practice Plan
      • 60-90 Minute Practice Plan (by Andy Hendricks)
      • Drills and Techniques
      • Keeping it Fun!



  • During league play, a win will count for three points and a tie for one point.
  • In the 6th through 8th grade divisions, there will be CYO postseason playoff tournaments. 8 teams will make playoffs (i.e. 4 from the North and 4 from the South). Head-to-head record will be first tie-breaker for seeding, followed by coin flip.
  • During tournament play, if the score is tied at the end of regulation play, an additional five (5) minutes, each way, shall be played (no golden goal/sudden death). If the score remains tied, the game will be decided by a FIFA shootout, except in the finals, where if the game is tied after 10 minutes of over-time, the teams will be "co-champions."



  • Each team shall furnish a regulation soccer ball of good quality and condition for each match. Grades K-6 will use a #4 ball while Grades 7-8 will use a # 5 ball. The referee will decide which ball will be used during the match.
  • Recommendation - parishes/schools should spend the minimal amount on uniforms for grades K through 5. T-shirts are fine and no numbers are required.
  • The home team is responsible for making sure their players bring a white T-shirt or different colored pinnies in case the opposing team has the same color.
  • No jewelry, barrettes, or bandanas may be worn while playing. This includes posts for pierced ears. All headwear should be soft, pliable, and functional. Unadorned, flat clips 2 inches or smaller will be allowed. If a player has beads in their hair, that cannot easily be removed, the hair should be tied back and up, as safe as possible. If the hair is too short to be tied back and up, the player will be allowed to play, as the length of the hair should not pose any unnecessary safety risk to the player or others.



  • All CYO soccer teams will play according to the current Federation Internationale de Football Association rules, unless otherwise specified in this manual.
  • CYO Athletics has adopted the US Soccer 9U-12U Player Development Initiatives. For Washington Youth Soccer, please refer to the following PDF - WYS League Rules_of_Comp Field layout and Rules 9U-12U 10.18 Updated
  • Every team must have at least one of its coaches attend the mandatory preseason coaches’ meeting. Failure to have coach representation will result in game forfeiture and a game suspension by coach to be determined by CYO Athletics. A coach who is suspended from coaching a team is not eligible to be present as a fan for that CYO Athletics event.
  • Soccer rosters are limited to 25 players in all playoff eligible divisions – any team roster larger than 25 is ineligible for playoffs. An exception to this policy may be requested at the time of registration. This request will be reviewed by the soccer committee in consultation with staff. This policy is in place to protect the quality of the experience of all players as well as protect the integrity of competition among teams. Therefore, if a request is approved, conditional parameters may be applied – such as mandating equal playing time for all players or that all players must participate in 4 of 7 or 5 of 8 games to be playoff eligible. This will be determined on a case by case basis.
  • 6th-8th Grade teams will be required to provide a printed roster with jersey numbers and names for each game to give to the opponent.
  • All 4th-7th grade matches will consist of 30 minute halves with a 5 minute intermission. All 8th grade matches will consist of 35 minute halves with a 5 minute intermission.
  • Slide tackling is not allowed for any age division. Penalty for this infraction will be left to the referee’s discretion.
  • Goalkeepers may not be charged within the six-yard line. Please note: offensive players have a right to play the ball until the goalie has control of it, at which point, no offensive player should charge the goalkeeper or attempt to make a play on the ball. Goalie control is at the discretion and interpretation of the referee.
  • The referee will keep the official score during the match.
  • The referee will keep the official time during the match.
  • Teams (Players, coaches, and spectators) must remain on opposite sides of the field from each other. They should not share the same sideline with their opponent, unless logistically one sideline is not available. Coaches and players must remain within 10 yards of either side of midfield during the game. Anyone who will not abide by this rule will subject their team to forfeiture. No person is allowed behind the goal line.
  • 7th and 8th grade games will be forfeited when a team cannot supply nine players 15 minutes after the official start time for the game. 6th grade games will be forfeited when a team cannot supply seven players 15 minutes after the official start time for the game. 
  • In the event a game must be suspended because of conditions which make it impossible to continue play, the referee shall declare it an official game if one complete half or more of the game has been played. If less than a half of a regular season game has been played, it will be considered no contest. For playoff games in which less than a half has been completed, whether to restart or resume game from time of suspension will be determined in review of circumstances by soccer committee and staff. 
  • All 2nd - 8th grade soccer are considered single gender sports and coed is not allowed. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis. Please email our office directly if you have such a request. 


  • Please see the section on “Compassionate Competition for the reasoning behind this policy. While unfortunate, the occurrence of a lopsided score does not necessarily mean that a lack of sportsmanship took place. Representatives of CYO Athletics will use the online forms and communication with the involved coaches to review the circumstances and determine if any sanctions are warranted.
  • Any game that is won by 5 goals in the 6th-8th grade divisions will be investigated and reviewed by the committee. It is expected that the winning coach, in particular, will make themselves available for discussing the game so as to expedite the decision making process.
  • Both the winning coach and the losing coach are asked to submit an online form which describes which measures were utilized to mitigate the talent differential between the teams.
  • Disciplinary action toward the winning coach may result (suspension of the coach for the next game, or in the case of repeat violations, suspension for the remainder of the season).



  • In Micro and Mini soccer, playing time must be equally distributed among all the players every game. In the 4-8th grade divisions, each player suited up must play a minimum of 10 minutes per half, including playoffs.
  • Substitutions (UNLIMITED) must be made when the ball is out of play. An entering substitute must always report verbally to the referee and must not enter the field of play until the referee calls him/her. Substitutions will be at the official’s discretion and may be disallowed should the official determine that a coach was using it in a detrimental manner.
  • If goalies play an entire half, he/she will not be required to play in the other half.
  • Infractions of the playing time policy will result in a warning for the 1st offense. If witnessed by a designated representative of CYO Athletics, warning will consist of a verbal address to the coach during the contest in question. If the playing time issue is not addressed by the coach within this game, the representative will confer with the Sports Committee and CYO Athletics staff and a forfeit of the game and suspension of the coach may result.
  • If the first offense is not witnessed by a designated representative of CYO Athletics, warning will consist of a verbal address to the coach via phone call. After the coach has received the warning, any subsequent verifiable offense of the playing time policy will result in a forfeit of the game for the team and suspension of the coach.
  • A second verifiable offense of the playing time policy in the same sport season (including playoffs) will result in a forfeit of the game for the team, two game suspension of the coach, and the coach will be required to attend the next available PLACT Sports as Ministry coaches training, to be completed prior to their next season of coaching.




CYO Mini, Micro and Modified Soccer are intended to help young players develop their soccer skills, improve their fitness, learn how to work with others as a team and build community. The overriding goal is to “let the children play and have fun!” All players should have frequent opportunities to touch the ball and learn the wonderful game of soccer.

  • Since the basic idea is to have fun, scores and standings will not be kept except 6th grade will report their scores on Team Sideline.
  • All players shall wear shin guards. No exceptions. Socks must be worn up and over the shin guards. All players shall wear footwear. A player may not play in their bare feet. A player shall not wear anything that may be dangerous to other players or themselves.
  • Headers will not be allowed in K-5th Grades. Penalty will result in an indirect free kick.
  • Coaching from the side line is permitted as long as it is done in a civil manner and the tone of voice is informational and encouraging, not demanding or critical.


    MODIFIED 4th and 5th and 6th GRADE SOCCER

  • 6th Grade teams will follow the rules for 12U and 4th and 5th grade teams will follow the rules for 11U as outlined in the Washington Youth Soccer PDF - WYS League Rules_of_Comp Field layout and Rules 9U-12U 10.18 Updated
  • Paid officials will be contracted/provided by CYO Athletics.
  • The field is to be marked by cones at each corner and at the end line on both ends of the field. Cones are also needed along the sidelines 14 yards from each end line to signify the goal areas.
  • If no goals with nets are available at the field, the home team is responsible to provide a goal:
  • The goal flags shall be placed in the goal cones along the end line. The poles should be approximately five feet high and should have a flag at the top.
  • The goal cones should be 6 yards apart and equal distance from each sideline. Goals can be scored from anywhere but the ball must pass below the imaginary line across the top of the goals.
  • 9 players per side, including the goalie.
  • Recommendation - Minimum roster size is 12 players.
  • Coaches should contact one another the week prior to a game in an attempt to facilitate different colored shirts.
  • One team kicks off to start the 1st half and the opposing team kicks off to start the 2nd half. The teams switch ends of the field at half time.
  • When the ball goes out of play, the game is restarted by one of the following ways:
    1. Over the sidelines, with a throw-in.
    2. Over the goal line, with a goal kick or corner kick.
    3. After a goal is scored, there is a mid-field kick-off.
  • After a goal is scored, the team who was scored upon takes the kick off. At the time of the kick off, every player will be in his/her half of the field. Every player of the opposing team shall be five yards from the center mark. The kicker shall not play the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player from either team.
  • A goal kick results when the ball goes completely over the end line having last been touched by an attacking player. A member of the defensive team kicks the ball from a designated area near the goal, approximately 5 yards in from the end line. The ball is in play when it crosses outside the goal area.
  • A corner kick results when the ball goes completely over the end line having last been touched by a defensive player. A member of the offensive team kicks the corner kick from a spot within a one yard arc of the corner of the field nearest where the ball left the field. A goal may be scored directly from a corner kick.
  • A throw in results when the ball goes completely over the touch line (side line). The throw shall be taken from the point where the ball crossed the line by a player of the opposing team. The thrower must face the field of play and must keep both feet on the ground while releasing the ball. He/she shall use both hands on both sides of the ball to deliver the ball from behind and over his/her head.
  • If a foul throw is committed, the coach explains the correct method and lets the offender re-take the throw. Discretionary power is then given to the referee if another foul throw is committed but, most times, it won’t be called.
  • Goals cannot be scored directly from a goal kick, a throw-in, a kick off or a free kick. If the ball goes completely across the goal line without being touched by a player other than the initial kicker on one of these set plays then the result is a goal kick for the opposing team.
  • Beginning in fourth grade, officials should begin to create an awareness of the offside rule. Players who gain an obvious advantage by being offsides should be called for the foul and it is advised that the officials and coaches use that opportunity to instruct the players. It is NOT an expectation that close decisions for offsides to be called.


       MINI 2nd and 3rd GRADE SOCCER

  • 2nd and 3rd grade teams will follow the rules for 9U-10U as outlined in the Washington Youth Soccer PDF - WYS League Rules_of_Comp Field layout and Rules 9U-12U 10.18 Updated
  • The field shall be set up width wise on one half of a regulation soccer field. The field shall be set up as follows:
    1. Sidelines shall be the 6 yard goal area and approximately 5 yards from the centerline on the regulation field. The sidelines on both sides of the regulation field will act as end lines for the mini fields. Cones with flags similar to goals should be on all four corners of the field with cones to be placed so that sidelines are established. Cones are also needed along the sidelines 12 yards from each end line to signify the goal areas.
    2. The goal areas will consist of cones with flags approximately five feet high with the cones 6 yards apart. Goals can be scored from anywhere but the ball must pass below the imaginary line across the top the goals.
  • A game consists of two 25 minute halves. There is a 3 minute break between halves. There are no time outs in soccer.
  • A volunteer officiates the match; the home team will be responsible for providing a competent official for the match.
  • All players must be rotated in positions, including the goalie.
  • 7 players per side, including the goalie.
  • Playing time – Rotate players frequently! Players should be rotated so that they do not always play with the same teammates the entire game.
  • Recommendation - Rosters to be a minimum of 11 players and a maximum of 18 players.
  • Because of the small field size and the end-to-end nature of the game, the ball may go out of play frequently. Coaches should encourage parents to participate as ball parents to help the flow and enjoyment of the game.
  • All infringements – tripping, handing, etc. – are punished by an indirect free kick (i.e. ball must be passed first before a shot can be taken).There are no penalty kicks (players of this age rarely commit deliberate fouls; and the indirect free kick encourages passing and co-operation).
  • All opposing players must be at least five yards from the ball on free kicks, corner kicks and goal kicks.
  • Offside is not called in Mini Soccer.
  • Goal kicks should be taken approximately 5 yards in from the end line. The ball is in play when it crosses outside the goal area. 



  • The approximate dimensions for a micro soccer field are 30 yards long by 20 yards wide. The goal posts or poles should be 3 yards (9 feet) apart along the end line and equal distance from each sideline. If poles without a crossbar are used, the ball must pass below the imaginary line across the top of the goal pole (which should be approximately 5 feet high) to count as a goal.
  • Goal kicks should be taken approximately 2 yards in from the end line. The ball is in play when it crosses outside the goal area.
  • There is no goalkeeper in micro soccer. Any defensively positioned player should be encouraged to come out beyond the 6-yard goal area when the ball is on the other half of the field. They also should be encouraged to come out to the midfield area to support the attack when the ball is near the opponent’s goal and for corner kicks.
  • Teams play four players per side in Kindergarten and 1st grade.
  • Recommendation - Team rosters should consist of between 9-12 players for Kindergarten and 1st grade. Each player should receive equal playing time.
  • Substitutions should be made frequently during the game. Unlimited substitutions are allowed. Players should be rotated so they play different positions and with different teammates. To the extent practical, all players should play the same amount of time each game.
  • A game consists of two 20 minute halves. There is a 3 minute break between halves. There are no time outs in soccer.
  • A volunteer officiates the match; the home team will be responsible for providing a competent official for the match.
  • All rule infringements – such as tripping, pushing, or hand balls – result in an indirect free kick. (i.e. ball must be passed first before a shot can be taken).There are no penalty kicks (players of this age rarely commit deliberate fouls; and the indirect free kick encourages passing and co-operation).
  • All players on the opposing team must be at least five yards away from the ball at the time it is first kicked on free kicks, corner kicks, goal kicks and kick offs.
  • Offside is not called in Micro Soccer.